Neurodiverse Safe Work Academy Module 1 Course Image of Lesson being watched on a tablet
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Course Description

The Neurodiverse Safe Work Foundations Course II is the first course offered by the Neurodiverse Safe Work Academy. It provides learners with the foundational knowledge and key concepts about neurodiversity and why it matters in employment.

By completing this course, including all the required assessments, you will be eligible for recognition of prior learning (RPL) for the Nationally Recognised Course BSBWHS411 – Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures, and programs.

We are delighted that this Neurodiverse Safe Work Foundations Course II aligns with:

✅ BSB40520 – Certificate IV in Leadership and Management 
✅  BSB41419 – Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

Qualifications are assessed and issued by KnowledgeAccess RTO#40961.

The Neurodiverse Safe Work Initiative looks at neurodiversity through the unique work health and safety lens. It will equip learners with the skills to identify, assess, and control the risks of neurodiversity whilst capitalising on the business benefits a neurodiverse workforce can bring.

Presented over four modules the course provides:

Module 1 – What is Neurodiversity, and why does it matter in employment?

Module 2 – How does Neurodiversity impact work health and safety?

Module 3 – What are the employer’s responsibilities? 

Module 4 – Putting it all together. 

Each module includes a post-module assessment. You must complete every module and activity before you can progress on to the next.

When all modules have been completed, students will leave with a tool to take back to their workplace to begin identifying gaps in their current systems and a 21-day challenge to put a plan in place to create a neuro-inclusive workplace culture.

Key concepts covered include:

Module 1             Definitions and explanations of the terms and language of neurodiversity

  • The different types of neurodivergence

  • The Viscious Cycle of Non Disclosure

  • Two approaches to improving neuroinclusivity                

  • A Case Study (Kyle) to illustrate what can go wrong and how a Neurodiverse Safe Work Solution provided a good outcome for all parties.


Module 2            The concept and impact of unconscious bias

  • The impact of unmanaged neurodivergence on health 

  • How does neuroinclusivity improve health and safety performance

  • A Case Study (Noelene) examines a psychological injury that arose from a work-related bullying complaint in relation to a worker’s neurodivergence and how the Neurodiverse Safe Work Initiative provided a solution. 


Module 3             The employer’s responsibilities

  • Competing demands and priorities under the various laws that apply

  • Case Law – Truffet v Workers’ Compensation Regulator

  • A Case Study (Joe) to examine how a risk management approach was used to eliminate risk for an Autistic worker. 


Module 4            Putting it all together

  • If you don’t consciously include you will unconsciously exclude
  • The OHS Management Systems Approach
  • A Case Study (Annie) to examine how inaccessible and inflexible workplace policies created a psychosocial risk for a neurodivergent worker
  • The Person-Centred Approach and the Neurodiversity Workplace Profiler


To be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning for the Nationally Recognized Certificate IV in Leadership and Management (BSB40520) or Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety (BSB41419) you are required to demonstrate competence by completing the required assessments:

Module 1       Post-module quiz

Module 2      Post-module quiz

Module 3      Post-module quiz

Complete a risk assessment that includes the needs of neurodivergent workers.

Module 4      Post-module quiz

Complete the Neurodiverse Safe Work Self-Assessment Checklist, Plan and Report and a recorded presentation.

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